The Growing Revolt Against Grover Norquist
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Grover Norquist Collateral Casualty of 2012?
Grover Norquist Collateral Casualty of 2012?;
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Conservatives at a Dead End?
Conservatives at a Dead End?
Monday, November 5, 2012
Can Mitt Romney Fix the Economy?
Can Mitt Romney Fix the Economy?
Friday, November 2, 2012
Mitt Romney and Autumn's Black Swan
Mitt Romney and Autumn's Black Swan;
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
C'mon Mitt, Privatizing Disaster Relief Would be a Disaster
C'mon Mitt, Privatizing Disaster Relief Would be a Disaster
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Romney & Co., Beyond the Pale in Politicizing Benghazi
Romney & Co., Beyond the Pale in Politicizing Benghazi
Friday, October 12, 2012
October 16th Talking Points For President Obama
October 16th Talking Points For President Obama;
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Romney: Conservative Trojan Horse or Political Chameleon?
Romney: Conservative Trojan Horse or Political Chameleon?
Friday, September 14, 2012
Mitt Romney's Lehman Moment?
Mitt Romney's Lehman Moment?;
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The G.O.P. and a Platform Built for the Past
The G.O.P. and a Platform Built for the Past
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Paul Ryan Whistling Past Reality
I just finished watching Paul Ryan's convention speech and I was dumbstruck by this supposed policy wonk's complete and obvious ability to craft a speech that was so at variance to the facts and then expect the voters to take him seriously. Let's take a look at some of what Ryan claimed.
Ryan talks about how Barack Obama has been in office for four years and even though he inherited a jobs crisis and a housing crisis he's been unable to correct these problems. Ryan accuses President Obama of failing to focus on job creation in particular yet he never stopped to acknowledge the fact that at the depths of the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression the Republican leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said that the single most important goal of the G.O.P. was "to make Barack Obama a one term president." Looking back at the past three years I don't recall any great effort on the part of the Republican Party to create jobs other than to continue to advocate for more tax cuts for the rich, the supposed "job creators", who being the beneficiaries of the most liberal tax treatment since Ronald Reagan, don't seem to have created all that many jobs anyway. And who were McConnell's allies in this endeavor, the House Republicans, Paul Ryan, foremost among them. Thus at a time when the vast majority of Americans were suffering through the Great Recession the leaders of this country's conservative movement put partisan politics above the common good and now we're being asked to return these same people to power. What, pray tell, would lead anyone to believe that these same leaders, who put the American people on hold while they pursued partisan politics, will now address the needs of the rank and file American via a renewed attempt at trickle down economics?
With regard to fiscal matters, Ryan lectured the audience on the great damage done to the country by the Obama Administration saying that the president had run up an additional $5 Trillion dollars in debt since taking office. Odd but Ryan failed to address the fact that it was his party under George W. Bush that took us from surplus to deficit by starting two unfunded wars, cutting taxes for those who didn't need one and the increased costs of Medicare resulting from a new prescription drug plan that was never adequately paid for. The great irony of Ryan's whole diatribe is that he himself never stood against any of the aforementioned when they were up for a vote during the Bush administration. He railed against the auto bailout yet he voted for it. He spoke of a General Motors factory in Janesville that closed after candidate Obama promised that the plant would remain open and did so by ignoring the fact that that plant closed in December of 2008, before Obama even took office. He derided Obama for his efforts to fight the Great Recession yet Ryan himself voted in favor of the Wall Street TARP bailout and gladly accepted stimulus funds for his home district. He accuses Obama of walking away from the Simpson-Bowles debt reduction commission yet he himself voted against it. Oh and just one more thing, he was for earmarks before it became fashionable to be against them as his track record of procuring federal monies for his home district shows.
Ryan raised the old "Socialist" boogeyman when he spoke about "central planning" but then he went on to say that he and Romney would put the government "back on the side of those who create jobs." Pardon me but the Republicans have been carrying on for the past four years that the government should get out of the way of the "job creators" and not "pick winners and losers." And as was to be expected, Ryan again raised the misconception that Barack Obama doesn't believe that people build their own businesses. Of course Obama never said anything to that effect, what he did say was that private businesses benefit from public spending on infrastructure and education and to that there is no argument as the history of this country shows. Since the birth of the American Republic public spending on infrastructure improvement has gone hand in hand with economic progress. Funny that a guy who's supposed to be so well grounded in economic theory and history would miss an obvious fact like that one. Ryan reiterated the fable that Obama believes that we can grow the economy via entitlements, again a claim that can't be substantiated in reality.
In speaking of his running mate's record of public service Ryan alludes to Mitt Romney's record as Governor of Massachusetts while ignoring the fact that the state ranked 47th in job creation, that Romney governed as a moderate, that he crafted a healthcare plan that is the template of Obamacare, individual mandate and all, and, he ignored Romney's flip flop on abortion. Ryan praises Romney's turnaround of the 2002 Olympics while ignoring the fact that Romney received between $400 to $600 million dollars directly from the federal government and approximately $1.1 billion dollars of indirect funding for transportation infrastructure improvements.
Paul Ryan would end his speech with an appeal to the American people to put partisanship aside and: "Let's come together for the sake of our country." Is he really serious in thinking that after his own party said that its goal was "to make Barack Obama a one term president" that his opponents will now, as if by magic, put the vitriol and the divisiveness of the past four years behind them and follow him, a guy who on the occasion of the most important speech in his political life would produce a soliloquy that only a politically ignorant listener could love.
Steven J. Gulitti
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Who's Beholden to Foreign Ideas?
Who's Beholden to Foreign Ideas?;
Monday, August 13, 2012
Romney Rolled by the Far Right?
Romney Rolled by the Far Right?;
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Romney Worrying About Millions but not Billions
Mitt Romney's supposed essential selling point to the American electorate is that his experience in the private sector uniquely qualify him to replace Barack Obama in the White House next January. Romney and his supporters have repeatedly said that Romney's business acumen stand in stark contrast to Obama's lack of experience in anything outside of community organizing or academia. In response to Obama's attack on Romney's time at Bain Capital, the Romney's campaign has zeroed in on the money lost on the green energy firm called Solyndra and other federal investments: "Republicans’ use of Solyndra to counter Democratic claims that Bain Capital was a predatory shop that killed jobs dates back months. But the Bain-Solyndra tussle burst into wide view on Tuesday. Romney’s campaign released a Web video that went after Solyndra and financial woes of other federally backed companies."
No one would argue that losing $500 plus million at Solyndra is mere chump change or something to be casually dismissed. However, as is often the case, government investment in new technologies is fraught with risk from start and that is to some degree unavoidable. Others would make the argument that the government shouldn't be involved in investing in industry and commerce or those activities related thereto, but those people are fundamentally making an argument that is ahistorical and contrary to the economic history of the American Republic.
But when it comes to Romney's business sense, I for one, find it interesting that he seems, conveniently, to have overlooked or is unaware of the fact that $60 Billion in American taxpayer dollars has gone missing as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To wit:"As much as $60 billion in U.S. funds has been lost to waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade through lax oversight of contractors, poor planning and payoffs to warlords and insurgents, an independent panel investigating U.S. wartime spending estimates. In its final report to Congress, the Commission on Wartime Contracting said the figure could grow as U.S. support for reconstruction projects and programs wanes, leaving both countries to bear the long-term costs of sustaining the schools, medical clinics, barracks, roads and power plants already built with American tax dollars. Much of the waste and fraud could have been avoided with better planning and more aggressive oversight, the commission said. To avoid repeating the mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan, government agencies should overhaul the way they award and manage contracts in war zones, the commission recommended."
Okay so the aforementioned begs the question: "If Romney is such a sharp business mind how is it he has focused so precisely on the Solyndra loss while at the same time failing to address or even acknowledge the loss of a far greater sum of taxpayer money that is estimated to be in the billions? I'm a lowly blogger yet I'm aware of this missing sixty billion some odd dollars so how can a guy who's running for president on the basis of his business experience, fiscal prowess and situational awareness of economic issues failed to have accounted for this much lost taxpayer money? In reviewing the public ledger how could a seasoned business professional, who would have had to take at least a few courses in accounting, fail to account for a mere $60 billion dollars in missing funds? I suspect that politics has something to do with it as the bulk of the missing war funds most likely disappeared under the Republican administration of George Bush, someone who today's G.O.P. has conveniently sought to air brush off of the political stage. But if Romney is to be the guy who is supposed to bring us all together after the allegedly divisive age of Obama wouldn't he too want to address these missing billions along with the millions that the Obama administration is charged with squandering? After all wouldn't that be the hallmark of a competent business professional turned public servant? Like Mitt Romney's now famously forgetting his stint as a school yard bully it may very well be that he has he suffered another lapse of memory in recalling this story of missing / purloined war funding that broke a mere nine ten months ago.
As a voter who is being asked to assess the qualifications of two men vying for the American presidency and who is being proffered a sales pitch that Mitt Romney's time in private business is supposed to make him stand up head and shoulders above Barack Obama, I remain thus far unimpressed. Needless to say when it comes to Romney's qualification to be president I am more than a little skeptical. To date, evaluating Romney's campaign message as evidenced by what he chooses to focus on in addressing our economic problems amounts to old conservative wine in new bottles that may not address the root causes of the current economic crisis. His unwillingness to grant interviews as to his time and track record at Bain, his unwillingness to appear on political talk shows other than Fox News, his running to resurrect Solyndra while ignoring misused war funding and his recent failure to distance himself from Donald Trump and the long discredited issue of Obama's birth certificate, all to my mind, reveal a man who is far from being forthcoming about himself. Are we dealing with someone who may not believe all that he's telling the rest of us and who is just hoping that we'll pick him as a bland alternative to the sitting president in much the same way that he offered himself as a bland alternative to his more radical opponents in the Republican primaries?
Steven J. Gulitti
Bain, Solyndra now center stage in Romney, Obama economic fight;
Military Spending Waste: Up To $60 Billion In Iraq, Afghanistan War Funds Lost To Poor Planning, Oversight, Fraud;
US Wasting Billions While Tripling No-Bid Contracts After Decade of Afghan, Iraq Wars;
No one would argue that losing $500 plus million at Solyndra is mere chump change or something to be casually dismissed. However, as is often the case, government investment in new technologies is fraught with risk from start and that is to some degree unavoidable. Others would make the argument that the government shouldn't be involved in investing in industry and commerce or those activities related thereto, but those people are fundamentally making an argument that is ahistorical and contrary to the economic history of the American Republic.
But when it comes to Romney's business sense, I for one, find it interesting that he seems, conveniently, to have overlooked or is unaware of the fact that $60 Billion in American taxpayer dollars has gone missing as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To wit:"As much as $60 billion in U.S. funds has been lost to waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade through lax oversight of contractors, poor planning and payoffs to warlords and insurgents, an independent panel investigating U.S. wartime spending estimates. In its final report to Congress, the Commission on Wartime Contracting said the figure could grow as U.S. support for reconstruction projects and programs wanes, leaving both countries to bear the long-term costs of sustaining the schools, medical clinics, barracks, roads and power plants already built with American tax dollars. Much of the waste and fraud could have been avoided with better planning and more aggressive oversight, the commission said. To avoid repeating the mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan, government agencies should overhaul the way they award and manage contracts in war zones, the commission recommended."
Okay so the aforementioned begs the question: "If Romney is such a sharp business mind how is it he has focused so precisely on the Solyndra loss while at the same time failing to address or even acknowledge the loss of a far greater sum of taxpayer money that is estimated to be in the billions? I'm a lowly blogger yet I'm aware of this missing sixty billion some odd dollars so how can a guy who's running for president on the basis of his business experience, fiscal prowess and situational awareness of economic issues failed to have accounted for this much lost taxpayer money? In reviewing the public ledger how could a seasoned business professional, who would have had to take at least a few courses in accounting, fail to account for a mere $60 billion dollars in missing funds? I suspect that politics has something to do with it as the bulk of the missing war funds most likely disappeared under the Republican administration of George Bush, someone who today's G.O.P. has conveniently sought to air brush off of the political stage. But if Romney is to be the guy who is supposed to bring us all together after the allegedly divisive age of Obama wouldn't he too want to address these missing billions along with the millions that the Obama administration is charged with squandering? After all wouldn't that be the hallmark of a competent business professional turned public servant? Like Mitt Romney's now famously forgetting his stint as a school yard bully it may very well be that he has he suffered another lapse of memory in recalling this story of missing / purloined war funding that broke a mere nine ten months ago.
As a voter who is being asked to assess the qualifications of two men vying for the American presidency and who is being proffered a sales pitch that Mitt Romney's time in private business is supposed to make him stand up head and shoulders above Barack Obama, I remain thus far unimpressed. Needless to say when it comes to Romney's qualification to be president I am more than a little skeptical. To date, evaluating Romney's campaign message as evidenced by what he chooses to focus on in addressing our economic problems amounts to old conservative wine in new bottles that may not address the root causes of the current economic crisis. His unwillingness to grant interviews as to his time and track record at Bain, his unwillingness to appear on political talk shows other than Fox News, his running to resurrect Solyndra while ignoring misused war funding and his recent failure to distance himself from Donald Trump and the long discredited issue of Obama's birth certificate, all to my mind, reveal a man who is far from being forthcoming about himself. Are we dealing with someone who may not believe all that he's telling the rest of us and who is just hoping that we'll pick him as a bland alternative to the sitting president in much the same way that he offered himself as a bland alternative to his more radical opponents in the Republican primaries?
Steven J. Gulitti
Bain, Solyndra now center stage in Romney, Obama economic fight;
Military Spending Waste: Up To $60 Billion In Iraq, Afghanistan War Funds Lost To Poor Planning, Oversight, Fraud;
US Wasting Billions While Tripling No-Bid Contracts After Decade of Afghan, Iraq Wars;
Friday, May 11, 2012
Mitt Romney's Disturbing Selective Amnesia
Mitt Romney's Disturbing Selective Amnesia;
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Worst Jobs Record Of Any Governor In America
The Worst Jobs Record Of Any Governor In America;
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Desperately Denying Reality
Desperately Denying Reality ;
Thursday, April 26, 2012
True Republican Mavericks
True Republican Mavericks;
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Mr. Fiscal Responsibility
Mr. Fiscal Responsibility;
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Have Libertarians Forgotten the Republican Primaries?
Have Libertarians Forgotten the Republican Primaries?
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
An Ominous Comment For Conservatives?
An Ominous Comment For Conservatives?;
Sunday, March 18, 2012
A Continuing Problem With Hate Groups
A Continuing Problem With Hate Groups;
Senator McCain Condems Citizens United
Senator McCain Condems Citizens United ;
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Veteran's Group Wants Rush Banned
Veteran's Group Wants Rush Banned;
Did the Republicans Already Lose Michigan and Ohio?
Did the Republicans Already Lose Michigan and Ohio?;
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Keystone Pipeline Redux
The Keystone Pipeline Redux;
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Bittersweet Taste of Exploitation: The Aftermath
Bittersweet Taste of Exploitation: The Aftermath;
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Plutocrats Versus the People
The Plutocrats Versus the People
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Census Findings: Bad News For Those Rooting Against America
Census Findings: Bad News For Those Rooting Against America
Does the G.O.P. Need to Doctor Up Mitt Romney?
Will Republicans End Higher Deficits, Not Likely
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Keystone, China and Access to Canadian Oil
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Why Can't Conservatives Be Honest About Keystone?
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Tea Party’s Empty Dance Card
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Unintended Consequences of Citizens United?
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
For the Radical Right, a Defeat in New Hampshire
For the Radical Right, a Defeat in New Hampshire
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
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